Stay Alert and Don't Get Hurt

Today's Safety Sunday Tip: STAY ALERT AND DON'T GET HURT"

Fatigue is more than simply feeling tired or drowsy. It is mental or physical exhaustion that stops a person from being able to function normally. Fatigue is caused by prolonged periods of physical and/or mental exertion without enough time to rest and recover. Today's blog will aim to educate you on understanding and identifying the hazards of working while fatigued, how to protect yourselves against these hazards, and the proper preventative actions.

While fatigue can result from a lack of sleep, it can also be heightened from prolonged mental activity or long periods of stress. As an employee, you need to be aware of the difference between acute fatigue versus chronic fatigue. Acute fatigue often results from the sudden onset of short-term sleep loss, such as getting less sleep than usual before you start a job. Chronic fatigue is long-term and results from an extended loss of sleep over a prolonged period. Zzzzzzzz! Oh, sorry, I must have dozed off.

Studies indicate that the risk of making mistakes at work or home increases significantly if you sleep for less than the average 7-8 hours or if you are awake for more than 17 consecutive hours. We should all be aware of fatigue signs and symptoms as it creeps upon us: sleepiness, tiredness, memory lapses, or slow reaction times.

So, remember these words from the Captain, be anchored to safety, and "STAY ALERT AND DON'T GET HURT!"